Monday, June 19, 2006

Go West Young Man.

Within the next few months or so I hope to find myself in Arizona Preferbally with a well paying job with room for advancement. But job or no KFC for 4 years is unacceptable and I need a new church home anyways, one where I feel like I belong...

So, if I land this job I'm going to be going up there to for it... and if I don't (LORD forbid) I'm going to save up enough money to make it for a little while, while I look for a temporary job up there. I'm very thankful to Liz and Steve for offering me a place in their house while I get settled in a new State.

I'm going to miss alot of things moving to the Desert... but about the only one that I'm going to regret is being so far away from Caleb. The kid is like a little brother to me and a barely got to see him when I was living an hour and a half away.... now I'm gonna be two days away from Beaumont. But I AM going to find time to visit there as well as home.... just a question of when... but that's getting a little ahead of myself isn't it?

The Canyon Church of Christ is a beautiful congreation and I felt at home the one time I attended when we were visiting during the Evacuation. I'm going to be glad to be a part of it and to go to a Church where I feel like I can belong again.

Ashley and Chelsea kept telling me over and over this weekend how I needed to talk to their friend Jordan, so I randomly IMed him on Sunday and we ended up talking for like two hours, you would have thought we’de been friends for years or something. That actually put a lot of my mind at rest, knowing I can go up there and already have a few friends.

I’m also looking forward to having my first real job…. It’s a little scary, but I know I’m going to do just fine as long as I do my best. And it’s actually going to pay enough where I might finally be able to get settled on my own two feet… or at least that’s the plan. I sure hope it can work out that way. Maybe if I can finally get that stupid ITT school payment payed off I can start thinking about going to school to study to be a youth minister… to this day it’s about the only job I can think of that I think “yea, I could stand to do that” But the responcibility of it all can be overwhelming at times. Definantly something to consider.

At any rate, tommrow is my first day back at work in a week and if I don’t get off this computer and go to sleep, it’s really gonna suck…

That’s what’s up with me, until next time!



Blogger Elizabeth C. said...

Glad you got to visit with Jordan. He's a great kid! I hope the job works out for you too, but if it doesn't, I'm sure you'll find something else. And, as the Sheryl Crow song goes, "a change would do you good"! : )

8:35 AM, June 20, 2006  

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