Saturday, September 23, 2006

Puzzles Memory and Time...

(The Following is a result of watching Big Fish during those late night hours when everyone gets really creative emotional and deep)

Isn't it funny how sometimes when you stop to think about things the depth they can go to can sometimes be dizzying... like for example trying to mentally grasp how long eternity is.

The latest thing on my mind though is the chain of effects that we call relationships. From the person you marry to the guy you slightly nod to as you cross the street your pressence in the world effects the lives of those around you. And I believe that pieces of those you know and those you love are transferred to you as you transfer pieces of yourself to others...

When I was a child I had these two puzzles that had two dfferent pictures on them but the pieces were identical, So you could put pieces of the first puzzle on the second one and visa versa. In other words, you could completely mix and match the pieces of this puzzle and it would still fit together.

In a way that's kind of what I'm talking about as well... When you interact with people, you give them a piece of your puzzle and them you... though small that piece might be... and in effect you might end up giving their piece to someone else... I've noticed little quirks I've picked up from a friend that I've spread to other friends so I've seen this in action.

It's funny and a bit dizzying at times to think why you do certian things you do, I know many times for me it's something I picked up from someone, and in turn it makes you wonder where they got it from. How many pieces of others make up who you are?

What really got me thinking though was this... If we have pieces of others with us and can give those to others, then what piece would be better to share with others than the piece that Jesus gave to us? It should really be our goal to let the world see the Jesus in us, and to share it freely with them.

This life is so finite, we are born we live and we die... What's important is whose lives we touch along the way... Jesus wants us to love one another, and he loved us more than we can even grasp.... sometimes just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Don't we owe it to others to share that love with those who don't know it?

I often wonder who will remember me when I'm gone.
What kind of stories will people have about me?
Whose going to be there at my funeral?
Will I be remembered as a Friend? A Husband? A Father?
I hope more than anything I will be remembered as a Christian...
I hope that someone somewhere can say "That man opened my eyes to Jesus"

....More than anything that's how I want to be remembered...


Blogger Shawn White said...

talking about the movie Big Fish (excellent movie by the way) and sharing pieces of oneself (time, knowledge, talent, etc.) makes me think of Jesus when he fed the 5,000 with what appeared to be very little. But it grew and spread until everyone had enough to eat and then there was still basket fulls left over.

This (the Gospel) is something that you share and it keeps multiplying and growing beyond anything we can imagine. It's like Tom's sermon on Sunday with the seeds.


9:21 AM, September 26, 2006  

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