Sunday, April 23, 2006

Music... and updates! All this and more next!

Normally it seems I only have material to write about in my blog when I'm depressed ... I really wish I knew why that was but I don't have a clue.... maybe I just like to whine or something I dunno, but that being true, I suppose it's a good thing that I haven't updated in a while...

I went to visit the Barinas last weekend in Beaumont (my Beaumont family as I call them) and got to talk to Mr. Joe about this whole church mess I've gone through... it's kinda funny really, while he didn't tell me anything different than anyone else, since I've got back, I seem to have, for the first time in about a year been able to let go of this whole mess and move on... I don't understad it really but God be praised.

Knowing people in different parts of the world really is a double edged sword isn't it? It's nice to be able to go somewhere else and have people and friends there, but it seems the more places you go, the more people you meet, the more people you have to miss ... Beaumont really does feel like my home away from home... ^.^

The thing that has been on my mind today is the almost magical power music seems to have over us... Music has the power to inspire, to make us sad, angry, nervous.... it can alter our mood in the blink of an eye... music can break the lauguage barrier, the age gap, it can unite two people who are completely different from each other if even for a few brief seconds. Something with that much power HAS to be otherworldly....

It makes me wonder sometimes... we are commanded to sing praises to God... I am convinced it's almost for us more than for God.... now don't get me wrong, we are to sing to God and the focus of our hearts and minds is to be him... but I know (at least for me) a beautiful song service can be ten times more inspiring than some of the best sermons I've heard...

I think I was going somewhere with this but if I was I've lost my train of thought but Thank God for the gift of music in our lives... the world would be such a dull place without it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Define Irony

I was gonna something about how I need to stop procrastinating... but I think I'll get to it later...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Updating for updating's sake

I'm bored and it's too late to replay the last boss fight of Kingdom Hearts 2 at the moment, so I suppose I'll update this thing just because before I head off to bed.

Mom and Dad are away at Liz's for their Anniversery so I get to housesit for the weekend, fine by me as Kingdom Hearts 2 came out this Wednesday and has more than kept me entertained. (Even though like it's predececor I beat it in 3 days) It's one of the few games I've beaten lately that leaves you with next to no loose ends left.. ( I mean heck, they did at least need to leave enough for a sequel eh?)

Went paintballing today with Chris... we had a ton of fun until the field was suddenly full of people who have thousand dollar guns and sponsored uniforms and whatnot, after a few rounds of getting summairly pwnt we decided we'de just save our paint for a later time and go home without adding to our ever growing whelp collection.... (Honestly! Who needs a gun that can fire off ten rounds in pratically less 2 seconds?!)

I took a small bit of time to go job hunting on Friday, though I have to admit I could have done a better job of that... my heart wasn't really in it. I don't know why though. As much as I hate my job you think I'de really be wholeheartedly looking for a job out there. I'll find my way out of that place eventually.... I just wish I had some inkling of what direction to head in.

meh.... it's 12 (actually one due to daylight savings) and I'm still swimmy from being shot in the head multiple times (it hurts but I love paintball, I honestly do!) I'm gonna hit the sack.