Friday, February 02, 2007

5 Things You Don't Know About Me...

Well, Josh tagged me forever ago, so I guess it's about time I do this... lesse...

1. The Cross Necklace I always wear I wear because of a tradition me and my friends started years ago, where we all wore matching necklaces... as of right now my "little brother" in Beaumont is wearing the one matching this one.

2.Up until this year I had never really taken an official martial arts class, only had picked up bits and pieces of various styles from friends that actually had taken classes... though I do a pretty good job of pretending I actually know the official stuff eh?

3. I had a comic series that I drew from 8th grade through my Senior year... if I ever get the time and patience, maybe I'll try restoring some of them.

4.I don't like eggs, I eat my cereal dry for the most part, and I don't use ketchup on my fries... I have yet to meet anyone else who any of these apply to.

5. In 6th grade, we had a really lazy PE teacher that usually just let us have free time everyday. We played Soccer almost every day during PE that year, and I actually became somewhat decent at the sport.

I'de tag someone, but I think everyone's all tagged out.